Promoting higher education

For one of our bigger projects, we headed to Bathurst for a week-long shoot at Charles Sturt University. 

Project: Course promotion videos for Education courses

The brief: To develop two x 2 minute and two x 30 second videos to showcase the practical and enjoyable nature of CSU’s teacher education courses. 

Why it worked: These films were all about showing real students in action. We spent a week filming two onscreen ‘heroes’ – a couple of great students who are just about to graduate and really knew CSU and the course. They were both quite relaxed on screen and had great backstories and both were genuinely passionate about their field of study.

The blend of interviews and overlay showcasing the buzz of life on campus really worked together to create a series of videos that CSU can now use to promote the course to prospective students. 

Our fave part: Apart from getting to know the students and finding out about them and their plans for the future, we loved filming at CSU’s Childcare Centre. Toddlers always make for cute and unpredictable antics on screen!


Alexis Neylan